Tournament Rules

- 大会フォーマット
- ローテーション
- 使用可能カード
- 第11弾カードパック「Altersphere / 次元歪曲」
- 第12弾カードパック「鋼鉄の反逆者(リベリオン)」
- 第13弾カードパック「Rebirth of Glory / リバース・オブ・グローリー」
- 第14弾カードパック「森羅咆哮」
- 第15弾カードパック
- ベーシックカード(初期付与カード、ストーリークリア報酬カード、ツインプリズナー・フラム、ツインプリズナー・グラス)
- 試合方式
- BO3(最大3バトルのうち先に2バトル勝利した選手が勝利)
- デッキ選択ルール
- 1バトル目では好きなデッキを選択、2バトル目以降、既に勝利しているデッキは使用できない
- 先攻 / 後攻
- ランダム
- 予選大会 Day1
- トーナメント方式:
スイスドロー方式 7回戦
6勝0敗 および 6勝1敗 - 予選大会 Day2
スイスドロー方式 7回戦
7勝0敗 および 6勝1敗プレーオフトーナメント
シングルエリミネーション方式 3回戦
- 試合方式
- BO5(最大5バトルのうち先に3バトル勝利した選手が勝利)
- トーナメント方式
- シングルエリミネーション方式 3回戦
- デッキ選択ルール
- 1バトル目では好きなデッキを選択、2バトル目以降、既に勝利しているデッキは使用できない
- 先攻 / 後攻
- ランダム
- スイスドロー・・・それまでの試合の成績が近い選手同士が次の試合で対戦するトーナメン
ト方式 - シングルエリミネーション・・・1つの試合に負けたらトーナメントから除外されるトーナメ
- Tournament Format
- Rotation
- Usable cards
- 11th Card Set: Altersphere
- 12th Card Set: Steel Rebellion
- 13th Card Set: Rebirth of Glory
- 14th Card Set: Verdant Conflict
- 15th Card Set
- Basic cards (starter cards, main story reward, Harnessed Flame, Harnessed Glass)
*Excludes animated cards and collaboration cards.
The tournament is played in Tournament Mode. Players can register and compete with decks using all usable cards in the format.
Preliminaries Rules
Players must pre-register two decks. The decks must not be of the same class.
Players will use the two registered decks in both days of the Preliminaries.
- Match format
- Best of 3 Series (the first player to win 2 games is declared the winner of the match)
- Deck selection
- In the first game in each match, players can select choose either of their decks. However, winning deck may not be used twice in the same match.
In each game, the player who goes first is decided at random. - Day 1 Preliminaries
- Tournament Format:
7-round Swiss Draw
Requirements for advancing to Day 2:
Must win at least 6 of the 7 rounds - Day 2 Preliminaries
Swiss Draw
Tournament Format:
7-round Swiss Draw
Requirements for advancing to Preliminary Playoffs:
Must win at least 6 of the 7 roundsPreliminaries Playoffs
Tournament Format:
3-round Single Elimination
Requirements for advancing to Grand Finals:
Must be one of 8 players who win all matches in their group
Grand Finals Rules
Players will compete using the 3 pre-registered decks.
Players’ decks will be announced on the morning of the Grand Finals.
- Match format
- Best of 5 Series (the first player to win 3 games is declared the winner of the match)
- Tournament Format
- 3-round Single Elimination
- Deck selection
- In the first game in each match, players can select choose either of their decks. However, winning deck may not be used twice in the same match.
In each game, the player who goes first is decided at random.
- Swiss Draw
A tournament in which players compete in each round against a player of similar standing. - Single Elimination
Players who lose a single match are eliminated from the tournament.
For the full ruleset, see Tournament Rules.